Oh, what a tangled web we weave...
I ramble.... quite a bit, in fact. I have a tendency to say what's on my mind and hopefully my filter works more when typing as opposed to speaking. I try to update this regularly, and usually fail. I utilize this as a way to update folks with the (usually mundane) goings-on of my day-to-day life, or just as a way of remembering things that go on and happen around me.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Put your crystals under my pillow
Sunday, May 26, 2013
We've got a long road home
Thursday, January 17, 2013
There's a nice cop in Madison, Wisconsin
To quote Easy A, "she'll be walkin' funny tomorrow." And then I shall just torture them more. What a sadist am I.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hidin' Behind a Rainbow's Wall
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
We gon' light this up like it's dynamite!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tesseract with me
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
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Monday, November 1, 2010
Who needs sleep? Well, you're never gonna get it.
As an added bonus, Roosta is currently quite hyper and is trying to coerce Sebastian into playing with him. Imagine the hyperactivity that ensues after a cat discovers a pipe cleaner wound around his tail and then goes crazy for 10 minutes trying to figure out what it is and how it got there. I am so glad we got a cat! I now can't imagine our lives without him and think that the dog wouldn't really mind too much.
As a wedding anecdote, I have been fairly calm up until now but started feeling the stress a little bit this past weekend. This is the third day in a row that i have a (stress?) migraine. I was commenting about it to my mom and she said that she noticed I have been acting stressed. I asked her why she thinks that and she stated that I have been occasionally freaking out over inconsequential things and she just felt that it may be getting to me. Considering the number of "little" things that I have been putting off as they didn't need to be completed right away, I probably am...
Well, I am guaranteed at least 4 more days of wedding-stress-filled posts, so I guess that only leaves 25 more. Wish me luck!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A hell raisin sugar when the sun goes down, mama taught her how to rip up a town
I (finally!) got my hair trimmed and discussed with Alice what we can do with my hair for the wedding based on it's current length. Have such a good game plan and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. I also love the fact that I showed her 60 or so totally different hairstyles and she is able to look at them and determine what I like about them and how it will all work together as one hairstyle. I think I will be bringing back the bangs though! Red bangs... good imagery in my head.
Yesterday Mr. Incredible surprised me by going into town to talk to a baker and set up a cake tasting for next weekend. We were planning on cupcakes, but it appears I will now have something to smush in his face... Not sure if this is why he decided to change baked good directions, but I don't think I want to dwell on it too much either.
Today I watched Whip It and absolutely loved it. I wanted to see it when it came out but wasn't sure if I was interested in it enough to spend $40 or so to see it at the theater and figured that I would at least rent it. Well now it is one that I definitely want to own. I have been very briefly toying with the notion of roller derby lately and this movie just about sealed the deal for me. It looks awesome! After that we worked on the ceremony scripting with Jezebel and am so happy that task is completed. Now all that's left is minor tweaking.After a few email back and forth I am sure it will be ready to go on notecards for him.
I just got done baking 5 dozen or so chocolate chip cookies with Disaronno and sea salt. There were probably 6 dozen, but I am pretty sure that Mr. Incredible and I have eaten about a dozen over the past hour. Seriously the best cookies I think I have ever made. Just makes me realize though that I definitely need another Silpat or two as having one just doesn't cut it when it takes you four baking batches just to get them all cooked.
27 more days and I get to see everyone! I can't wait!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I went down to the Chelsea drugstore to get your prescription filled
At the same time, there are some things that I am kind of having a hard time with. The wedding is in 33 days and I always figured that if I had the nice normal wedding that he would be my man of honor. Scott and I have discussed potential guardians for our future kids and I hate to say that he was that too. All kids should grow up with someone that they can eat pineapple sherbet and discuss the X-Files with.
By the same token, I know that I have grown and changed so much myself so there is no way to know for sure if he would even still be my choice for those.
I guess I am still in the market for a joined-at-the-hip, knows-what-I'm-thinking best friend. Any takers? :)
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
We're just one body that one day felt hard.
Friday, September 10, 2010
And I dub thee unforgiven
What is your ninja name?
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Oh, Say it ain't so
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Break down so right
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
I got my head checked by a jumbo jet
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ain't no rhyme or reason
Unfortunately, dad asked Grandpa about it and he acted like he had no clue what we were talking about. Having grown up with my father, I know all to well how good my grandpa is at ignoring what he doesn't want to face. I have started investigating this child and figure that she would be buried at one of three main cemeteries most likely. We ventured out to one of them to check the records in the office. I found a lot of relatives that were buried there, as well as both of my great-grandfathers and one of my great-grandmothers, as well as my great-aunt. Unfortunately, no record of this mysterious daughter. I guess this just means that I will have to continue pursuing my genealogy work. It also makes me think that I want to keep better record of my life in case one of my descendants ever gets bitten with the genealogy bug.
Next week, I get to go and pick up my wedding dress from being bead checked and spot cleaned. The wedding is still like a year and a half away and the dress just makes it seem so real! So many things still have to be done and planned and chosen and paid for (!!!) but I am looking forward to it. I really want to make it a day special for those that we are close to. Mr. Incredible is still kinda having a hard time with our reception debates. We will eventually get everything worked out so that we are both happy.
Of course there has also been the familial drama, which still has me all in a tizzy depending on the day. I keep trying to tell myself that I'm an adult and that it doesn't "concern" me, but it's a change, and a big one at that. Oh well, I will survive!
On other news, dad's surgery is now less than 3 weeks away. Then three days later we trek to Cadillac for Mrs. Bieb's 100th birthday party and frankly I can't wait! I miss going to Cadillac as frequently as I remember doing as a child. Not to say how often we actually went, but I sure do seem to have lots of memories of it all. :)
Oh well, I guess that's enough for now....
Saturday, April 3, 2010
All that I need- Look at all the love we found
See, once upon a time, there was a war. Well, this war needed parts built so they built little factory buildings all over this area; a good number of them next to railroad tracks (obviously). Well this one particular one-story, off white cinder-block building was, essentially, my home away from home for a while. It was converted to random little rooms with windy hallways and particularly interesting bathrooms, then was rented out as practice spaces to local bands. And starting towards the end on my senior year of high school, I spent most of my weekend time there with DBD.
So many memories; so much happiness; so much stupidity; lots of drunkenness; my first drunken puking; the gay Nazi; and so much drama. The walls to that building held so many stories. It knew so many of my secrets; witnessed my tears; and experienced my joy.
It was there that I first talked to my college roommate, a time when I was curious and nervous both about living with someone that I had never met, let alone one that started out as a fashion major. ;) It was there that Dark Cheetah and I spent so many nights shoulder to shoulder on the floor in the back hallway talking without ever speaking. It was there I went on and on about not being able to find my Milky Way bar. It was there that I watched so many rounds of hacky-sack on that crumbling driveway. It was there that Safi learned that Francis Drake and I weren't brother and sister. It was there sitting below the window one drafty, cold winter night with the lights dimmed and my drawing pad on my lap that I knew Northwood wasn't for me. It was there that I first hated Sublime and 311. It was there that I then fell in love with both Sublime and 311. It was there that I witnessed the only time I ever saw Dark in jean shorts. It was there that we dealt with the Rants, whom lived in their practice room. It was there that Safi went to bat for me and kicked the shaving Rant out of the girls bathroom (The guys bathroom was quite gross and the girls was only used by me, technically but not really) because I really had to pee and he didn't want me to have to use the guys bathroom. It was there that I first slapped Dark because he needed it. It was there that I watched a human head butt the cement sidewalk and be perfectly fine afterward. It was there that I learned to jump out of the way when a beer got kicked over. It was there that I cooked up my brilliant plan that since I was past my curfew, I would just never go home again (never said I was sober for this one...) It was there that Dark, Tommy and I layed on the hood of the Grand Marquis way past my curfew staring at the sky and pondering who knows what. It was there that I felt like I could escape from it all. It was there that I knew I was invincible. It was there that I lay in the backseat of the Grand Marquis for an hour or two and puked up neon yellow-green rice and Mike's Hard Lemonade while the Maintenance Man and his lackeys kept thinking I actually was in a place to talk. It was there that I perfected my placement of red tape, starting with the inlaid peavey case. It was there that I bared my soul to my best friend.
And it was there that certain songs got so ingrained into my psyche that to hear them today instantly transports me back to both rooms I was privy to. They take me back to sitting on a beat up metal chair with my eyes closed feeling myself become one with the music. Those songs taught me to appreciate the off beats. Those songs are a part of me. Those songs played a big part in who I am today. Those songs will always make me think of the good times.
The building has long since been torn down and a YMCA raised in it's place, but I will forever remember the smell of that building: stale cigarettes, spilled beer, and a certain electricity that crackles in the air from live music.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Angry and gone, and the list goes on and on.....
Throw them in the wash. It'll be grand.
We headed to the mall to find a strapless bra so that I could try on dresses and see what shape/style/color I liked. Found out that in certain companies I am now a DD, so WTF is up with that?!?! Then we found some super-awesome bright and patterned tights for less than $3 per pair! Major score as for some reason lately I absolutely adore tunics and leggings. Then I found an awesome pair of boots, but the smallest they had in stock was an 8 and my semi-minuscule feet need a 6.5, so I was quite bummed until we thought to see if they can order them in my size, so SCORE! My new boots will be in on Wednesday or so.
Then we hit up Bagger Dave's for yummy cheeseburgers and decided to try our hand at viewing the ballroom or whatever it's called for a possible reception site. I adore the room, but I am not sure what I think of the place overall. Or maybe it was the lady.... I am not sure either way. Then for the fun part!
We headed towards the bridal shop that I wanted to go to that I thought I remembered the address of, then realized I also wasn't entirely too clear on the name either. Of course I also was not able to find the one random piece of paper that had it written on the back of it either. Instead decided to head to a different shop.
I must say, I was not expecting it at all. Stepping into the first dress, it really hit me. I got so excited I broke out in hives. Needless to say, it is rather hard to determine if I prefer white or ivory as my face and chest were bright red. Found two that I adore though, so now I have to decide if I like them more than the green skirt. There are so many pros and cons either way.... I hate making decision unless it is regarding something like haircolor or socks.
Chick flick then ensued as Mom and I went to see Leap Year. It was a typical chick flick in that you knew what would happen, but it was so cute. I loved it, especially the old guys in the pub. I just keep thinking that you should never start a trip on a Sunday and cracking up. Also, I most definitely now have a crush on Matthew Goode. Oh that smile..... :)
Anyways, I am now home after the inevitable stop at JoAnn's (white flowers today!) and for some reason, even though it is almost 4am, I am still wide awake. At least I have managed to finish one book today, but I can't finish the other one yet as it is somewhere in the bedroom and I think Mr. Incredible might kill me if I attempt to find it as he has been passed out for about 5 hours now and may have the start of my cold from last weekend, of which, my throat still kills.... Thanks Miss Bee! (nice run-on sentence, huh?) Oh well, guess I should go force myself to sleep so that I can actually get some stuff done tomorrow (err... today) and not sleep all the way up to my birthday dinner. Wow, guess I really am stuck on an Irish weekend.... maybe I'm trying to tell myself something! Guess I shall go ponder that!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today
When I was first referred to the rheumatology clinic, I had a fantastic doctor. After a year and a half or so, she moved to Arizona and my care was transferred to a fellow that I could not stand. He discounted everything that mom or I said and neither of us felt that he actually listened to my complaints. I was none to saddened when his fellowship was over and I got my current fellow. After this appointment I am not sure whether I want to re-think these feelings though.
The joint pain has returned on a rather grandiose scale. In addition to the affected joints though, I am also having ear "annoyances" for lack of a better word, occasional chest pain, and a few other lovelies as well. The doctor focused on the chest pain probably even more than the joint pain even though I told him repeatedly that it wasn't severe and, while persistent, wasn't regular. Didn't even get to tell him the other concerns I had and while I could have belabored the point, they didn't think them serious enough to be associated with the SLE. I guess this means I get to drive my PCP crazy. Previously, anytime I visit my PCP for random things she kind of pushes it back to the rheumatologist. I figure that since the rheumatologist pretty much dismissed these symptoms, and considering that they are all popping up within the past month or so and were not present previously, leads at least me to think that something is going on.
I think that I have finally reached a point where I am going to demand they do something. I have lived with this joint pain for approximately 10 years. They don't deem it to be serious enough as it is not debilitating and does not "hinder me from daily activities" to quote the doctor. No, it doesn't, because I refuse to be driven by this constant pain that makes me want to just drop to the floor and sob uncontrollably. I will not let it have that much hold over me, so I guess it is not serious enough for them to deal with. I am sick of that load of bullshit. No, this is not a normal thing. I should not have to go through my day to day life with any combination of ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers and toes hurting.
I have the option to go back on medication that barely dampens the pain, but why bother? I want it resolved so that it doesn't continue on for another 10 years. I think that if I can't get anywhere with my current health system over the next few months, I am going to start seeking outside help and looking into more holistic possibilities. I am curious as to whether or not acupuncture will alleviate any of it.
*Sigh* I am just so frustrated.....
I look psychotic in a balaklava
Now Mr. Incredible and I are both sacked out on the couch with our respective laptops and debating how tired we are. I am thinking that I want to cull the Social Security Death Index a little more after hopping in the shower but I am not sure how well that will work out. I also want to really start looking into seeing how much I can find online as to whether or not pre-WW2 church records were sent from church to church as a person moved (i.e. whether the church that performed last rites for my Great Aunt and Great-Grandparents would also have info on their other sacraments). In some ways it is rather hard to find church records for a religion that you don't follow. Also, I really should look into the exact date taht I was baptized as I do not know when it was other that that I wore green jeans that day.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Get drunk in Tijuanica.....
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Strawberry Fields Forever
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I'm getting my sould reapplied while my skin is getting dyed
I can't believe that Mr. Incredible only has 5 more classes total and he will be done with school. When he started, the time frame seemed so large and daunting. I am amazed that I will soon get to see him more than just in passing. This will also require me to have to eat regular meals, which I am not so sure that I am looking forward to. Frankly, knowing that I am an adult and can eat some hummus and a tomato for dinner quite rocks!
Our Christmas tree still looks quite bare as it is decorated with a whopping one ornament, and only because that one was left on the tree from last year. I am rather hesitant to decorate is as I know that Roo will just take them off and I will find them strewn all over the apartment. Kind of like how it has now become all too common to see him walking down the hallway with one of Mr. Incredible's sock dangling from his mouth and a whole line of ones behind him that he has already lost interest in. I pick up enough socks to know that I don't want to deal with the ornaments. I am quite surprised that he has left my 2-Mary-and-no-Joseph manger alone this long. I also fear that I may have just jinxed myself by mentioning this.
It has been raining all day and you would think that it is Spring outside. There are puddles everywhere. I guess at some point we are supposed to get snow, but they have been saying possible snow showers every few days for the past week or two. At this point, I would like to see some pretty snow, but know I will shoot myself in another month or two for saying that. Actually, it will be a month as we always get a big snowstorm for my birthday. Winter is definitely upon us though as my lovely desert skin now requires the uber-moisturizing soap. Our dry-dry-dry air at work is probably also to blame, as it was even bad enough to give Miss Bee a bloody nose today. :/
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Misfits playing on the stereo....
Take a sad song, and make it better
So as for my best trip of 2009, I would definitely have to say my trip to North Carolina in May with dad. I absolutely LOVED getting to see Aunt Pat and Uncle Walt as I have not seen them in far too long and this time spent with them was way too short. I was quite nervous about this trip and how I would be able to handle seeing grandpa and it was nothing like I expected. I am still not sure how I feel about that, but I do want to see him again! I also fell in love with the area in which they live. It is absolutely gorgeous and I now want to live in the mountains.... just not mountains that get all icy and snow-covered for over half of the year.
I think I need to make another trip soon.... esp. with the flight requiring more time spent waiting to taxi than actually in the air. Perfection!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Your car stereo is state of the art- my ghetto blaster is falling apart
Friday morning, Dad and Mom met us for some early morning shopping. Dad was out of luck on the TV that he was hoping for. But mom and I discussed the options for my wedding dress and how it can (and hopefully will) work out as a whole. Now I just have to determine the exact color of the dress and find the right green that I so desire..... At least I have 671 days to work on, design, and finish this. I think I better get my ass in gear!
And I shall leave you all with the hope to go invent something.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
so the time we shared it was precious to me...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It's time to spread your wings
Also, I have recently become addicted to tumblr and one of the feeds that i love is all about tats. Sheesh I want so many more tats and I want them NOW! lol I am in a very random mood so I think I shall ramble now. My recent love is cheese.... and now that I actually found a wine variety that I enjoy, I really want to have wine and cheese..... I miss all my fun clothes. I feel like I dress so much more boring now than I used to. I think hair color plays a big part of it. I know that I am trying to be nicer to my hair and not kill it anywhere nearly as much as I used to, but I miss it changing with my mood. I think a lot of it has to do with growing my hair out so I have a lot more hair to deal with than before, but still..... It also plays into my inability to deal with my hair. It seems like it once again just gets thrown up so that I don't have to deal with it.
I really want more time to dye fabrics. I want to have some white on white fabric to play with as it had interesting results when Aunt Pat and I were playing. I also have a few thoughts for wool felting, but I think I will need to play with it some to see how it holds up. I have three million projects going at the moment and I suppose I should finish them before I jump into wedding projects, but that's just no fun. I really want tamales..... Damn- now I am hungry.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ain't no easy way to say but I need to get away and I'm never coming back again
So Friday pretty much sucked. I guess it can be surmised that since we have, on average, 2 Friday the 13th's per year, one of them tends to no-go-so-well. My day was overall crappy, then I managed to get on the wrong bus when going home. This typically wouldn't be an issue as there are three variations of the same route that practically drop me off at my door. The issue being that I managed to get on the one that only goes halfway on my route. So in essence I get a mile and a half from home and have to wait for the next bus to come by. Mr. Incredible took pity on me and came to pick me up, but while I was waiting for him, I was chatting with the other people at the stop where I got ditched. One of them also got on the wrong bus and was dumped along with me. The other was a man who had picked up a few groceries with his almost 6 year old son who was just about the cutest thing I had ever seen. He was very chatty and quite hilarious and probably would have shared his chocolate milk with me were it not for "girl cooties". I spent about 10 minutes chatting with them and I left smiling as he was dancing for traffic, trying to entertain them. I think God put me on the wrong bus on purpose so that I could have some cheer as I definitely needed it that day.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What a night for a dance, you know I'm a dancing machine!
P.S. Tommy Foster does Rock! If you ever get the chance, definitely go an see him! Esp. at Cleary's Pub in Chelsea.... they have fried pickles!
Friday, November 6, 2009
We are, we are.... the youth of a nation......
All that being said.....
On October 24th, my best friend asked me to be his wife. He proposed in the most innocuous way with a ring that was exactly what I did not desire, yet it's all so perfect. Every day that I see this ring on my hand, I fall more and more in love with it, for the history of it, for what it represents, and for itself. We have begun our wedding planning and it's quite fun so far. My intentions for it all is to make it about us and those that we love. I want those that we love to be able to celebrate this special even in our life with us. I also don't intend on building this up to the extent that I feel let down when we are married and the planning is over.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Just one of those day's, when you don't wanna wake up....
Aside from that it was an overall good day. I set up a time this week to look at our (or at least mine and mom's) preferred reception site. We will see how our opinion fares after seeing it in person and asking lots more questions. I have also gotten more prelim stuff done, which makes me very happy.
I also managed to catch up on my geekdom this evening, which was a great way to relax. I also started yet another program, although this one should be done tomorrow most likely. Speaking of tomorrow, I should really get my ass in gear as mom is picking me up at the ass-crack-of-dawn tomorrow for work. Ouch!
Lately, Mr. Incredible and I have both talked about how we want more friends. Just people to hang out with whenever, that can be called at the last minute for coffee, or that drop by unexpectedly just to say hi. I am not the only one who feels like this, and after talking about it over the weekend, Crys feels the same way too. Maybe there is just something in the air lately.
Also, I am ecstatic to know that a large number of my favorite foods currently reside in my kitchen: bacon, avocados, yummy cheese, hummus, and semi-good tomatoes. I am in heaven! :)
P.S. Captain Tinydick is so named without us ever having firsthand knowledge of said name, although Gimpy cracked up as we were discussing the name, so it has since stuck.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Take another look at me now
And now I will leave you with some pictures, and in the words of Biffy, feel renewed and know you have a clean slate everyday!!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It's my life.....
PS: for those whopping 2 people out there that I have not told yet.... I'm engaged!!!! :D:D:D:D
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Make me, Break me, Any way you need me......
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
an end to the great debate!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Oh wow!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
wee wittle bitty one!!
baby lou tattoo....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Baby’s in reno with the vitamin d
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
it's my life, and it's now or never....
Friday, August 7, 2009
now go stand up to a giant say that I'm a fighter
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
You're breaking my heart; You're shaking my confidence daily
Friday, July 24, 2009
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I think that I'm bigger than the sound
Things that make you go hmmmm.....
Monday, June 29, 2009
I hate it!
I just miss you, and I hate you for making me miss you!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What the.....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunshine came softly through my window today.....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I'm having more fun- now that we're done
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I was thirstin for knowledge, and he had a car...
Outside my window... is sunshine, a squirrel, and a cute toddler trying to escape down the sidewalk
I am thinking... that it has been a long week and I am very thankful tomorrow is Friday. Hurray long weekend, then short work-week!
I am thankful for... everything and everyone I have in my life
From the kitchen... came a salad as I am a slacker and didn't want to dirty up any of my now-clean dishes
I am wearing... a comfy dress (with pockets!!) and flip-flops
I am creating... a wall hanging, and felt flowers, and beaded leaves, and writing
I am going... to the store soon for amenities
I am reading... Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood
I am hoping... that my tummy feels better soon
I am hearing... iTunes on shuffle
Around the house... the dog is pacing, and it's mostly clean
One of my favorite things... is the smell of dryer sheets coming through the vents
A few plans for the rest of the week: Sleep! doctor tomorrow, doing laundry, and packing
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

an ideal weekend....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I'm so excited...... And I just can't hide it.....
Addendum: I forgot my eyeliner and flip-flops at home this morning, so that kinda sucks!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
And all I really want....
Oh well, there is no use agonizing over it right now, so I shall go finish my book.... Sweet dreams world!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Everythings gonna be all-llll right!
1. coming into work to find the most awesome monkey clip on my desk from Deb re: QC
2. walking in to Belgian chocolates on my desk from Marleen
3. Mr. Incredible being semi-grouchy.... it's kinda cute if not rather annoying ;) (I just want him to smile)
4. Marleen bringing Miss Bee and I flowers that she pilfered from various gardens on her walk into work (They smell DIVINE!!!)
5. A good/fun dinner last night, even with fishy-smelling margaritas
6. Stumbling across great pictures/links as I browse my rss feed, like this adroable picture
7. My super-lovey Bug, cuz it's hilarious when a 150+ lb. dog wants to lean full weight into you and be loved.
8. my messy desk, because it will be a sense of accomplishment when it is clean and orderly by the end of the day
9. Mr. Incredible having both a meeting at the school and a job interview later today.
and finally....
10. Listening to fun music at work that makes Miss Bee and I both sing along to it!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
*insert your own song lyrics here... can't think of any over semi-cheesy jazz muzak*
As for the joys of today, umm... it's Tuesday? And I actually ate breakfast! Yes, I realize that this may not really be that big of a deal, but I am NOT a morning person. To the degree that if you so much as look at me before I have washed my face and brushed my teeth, I am very apt to rip your head off your puny little neck. And talking to me... it's safer just to run in the other direction and hide. Needless to say that I will barely tolerate the existence of food until I have been up for at least an hour and (preferably) have already imbibed some caffeine. Regardless of this, I think I am actually going to try this thing you call breakfast on a more regular basis... at least until that phase passes. I think this means I will need LOTS more avocados though....
For today's enlightening conversation, this little gem took place on the elevator as we went back to drop off said offending sheets in the clinic
Miss Bee (while looking in obvious location): I know why guys wear big belt buckles. So you have to look at their penises.
Mr. Incredible (now also looking down): I am never wearing this belt around you again.
Me: *laughing raucously loudly while walking though a clinic as the both of them continue looking at his junk.
Ok, time to go buy more avocados.... enough to (maybe... hopefully) last me a whole week. Oh who am I kidding... they will be lucky to last 36 hours!
Monday, March 30, 2009
You can get it if you really want....
I have been in absentia far too long, but am now returning to a more set babbling pattern. Due to iffy computer moods and busy-ness at work I know that I have been very lax in posting. That is no longer the case! Due to my recent present to Scott and myself (matching laptops!) I am now back to bore you three with my ramblings.
I have now successfully installed iTunes and am sitting on my ass playing with Bug and watching a movie. Mr. Incredible is working late and it's quite odd to have the evening to myself.
My weekend was rather jam-packed what with baking 13 dozen (or thereabout) cookies and brownies as well as icing all of Scott's cupcakes for Marleen's surprise retirement party for her husband. I then helped her out during by keeping all the food plentiful and keeping all the dishes clean. It was a blast.
I then came home to find that Bug had decided to take it upon himself to eat all the tinfoil that was in the garbage can. He has since been puking up tinfoil..... Hurray! The latest bout was at 4:00 this morning. Poor baby, and poor MI for actually getting up to take care of him.
I think I will attempt to partake in NaBloPoMo for April. In order to not wear myself out with posting now, I will go perhaps cut some fabric for my in-progress quilt! Or finish a drawing. Or finish sewing my skirt. I'll figure out the specifics as I come to them!
Friday, March 27, 2009
all my words were bound to fail....
On the way back from my bagel-gathering, Miss Bee and I had the following exchange based on them ALWAYS knowing our names when we place our orders.
Miss Bee: Maybe we're just that rememberable.
me: What? Did you just say rememberable? Rememberable isn't a word.
Miss Bee: Yeah. Why? What do you think it should be?
Me: Memorable?
Miss Bee: Oh.... *pause* Well Rememberable is a word too, it's MY word.
Addendum: Miss Bee was an English major with a full fledged degree! She assures me!