Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby’s in reno with the vitamin d

Why is it that if someone asks me how to spell something, I can do it quickly and spit it out, but if I actually stop to think about it, I get tripped up and may falter??
Why is it that I will look right at a doorknob or corner as I am turning and still manage to walk into that object? Why am I that unable to make it down the hallway without walking into something? And don't even get me started on skipping around corners..... it just doesn't work!!
Also, I don't find it odd that I will match my pace when walking to the beat of whatever song is currently stuck in my head. I do find it odd, however, when I change the song in my head to match my pace.
I am not in the mood to work today. I finished one drawing and did three others over the weekend as well as one that I am not counting. I got a lot of stuff done last night that I have been putting off for far too long, but now all I want to do is sit here and draw. And find a way to make buttons. I need to increase my button collection, so if any of you stumble across some cool/odd/interesting/spare buttons, please keep my in mind and share the love!! I also want to make clay flowers. And find a pair of cool old watering cans. Preferably yellow ones.... I want to go take pictures of the paint chip selection at the store for the next project I have in mind. I need lots more $$ to buy fabric at JoAnn's. I need lots more space for fabric. I need to finish some of these projects to get rid of some of this fabric. I want to learn how to marble paper.  I want to take the class on letter pressing. I want a studio or at least my own space to sprawl out all my projects. I miss my dog and I want pizza.... think that about sums it all up for now! ;)

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