Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So I realize that I haven't posted in, well, I don't even want to think about how long it has been. Suffice it to say, it's been a while.
Things have been interesting as of late. Mr. Incredible is working as a temp in the clinic that he did his externship in. We are hoping that he can get something permanent soon. Bug is being super-needy lately, but I think it has something to do with the weather changing and being outside more. As for Roo, who knows. Let's just leave it at :Allison doesn't understand cats! That thing is weird. He thinks he owns me, which is kinda hilarious considering he weighs maybe 5 pounds.
As for me, well, my head feels like it's about a foot higher than my shoulders and is just hovering there. The discussion over how much Roo weighs def. isn't helping matters anyway. I felt like crap last night so I took NyQuil and passed out. Today I feel fine aside from my head. Maybe today I could just pretend I am the Hessian and carry it around with me...
P.S. Thank you DayQuil!

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