Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Misfits playing on the stereo....

So it hasn't exactly been the greatest year for big-night-out's, but there are always some that stand out. The one that really stands out for me though would have to be lunch with Mr. Incredible and my mom at La Fiesta the day after Mr. I. proposed. I had a yummy burrito and Mountain Dew and we had a pretty crappy waitress (of the it-takes-15-minutes-to-get-her-attention-and-three-requests-for-a-refill-after-that variety). My mom and I also got to finally (openly) talk about wedding plans and the purple flowers, lmao. Kinda bummed as I don't even remember the last time I got to go to Carl's, but I will never complain as long as I get some Mexican food.

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