Saturday, December 26, 2009

Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today

My health has been starting to act up over the past month or two, so I recently called the rheumatologist to schedule an appointment. Imagine my surprise when they told me they could get e in the the following week (on the 23rd) and at my preferred time of 4:00. He is only in this clinic one or two afternoons a week and his first couple of appointments are for new patients. Generally I choose a 4:00 appt. when possible as this clinic regularly falls behind so I spend an hour in the waiting room, then an hour in the exam room, then an hour with the doc. Even after showing up 7 minutes late, I was shocked that I was finishing checking-out and was back in the car by 5:02. I am still rather frustrated by how this appointment went as I am really quite happy with this physician.

When I was first referred to the rheumatology clinic, I had a fantastic doctor. After a year and a half or so, she moved to Arizona and my care was transferred to a fellow that I could not stand. He discounted everything that mom or I said and neither of us felt that he actually listened to my complaints. I was none to saddened when his fellowship was over and I got my current fellow. After this appointment I am not sure whether I want to re-think these feelings though.

The joint pain has returned on a rather grandiose scale. In addition to the affected joints though, I am also having ear "annoyances" for lack of a better word, occasional chest pain, and a few other lovelies as well. The doctor focused on the chest pain probably even more than the joint pain even though I told him repeatedly that it wasn't severe and, while persistent, wasn't regular. Didn't even get to tell him the other concerns I had and while I could have belabored the point, they didn't think them serious enough to be associated with the SLE. I guess this means I get to drive my PCP crazy. Previously, anytime I visit my PCP for random things she kind of pushes it back to the rheumatologist. I figure that since the rheumatologist pretty much dismissed these symptoms, and considering that they are all popping up within the past month or so and were not present previously, leads at least me to think that something is going on.

I think that I have finally reached a point where I am going to demand they do something. I have lived with this joint pain for approximately 10 years. They don't deem it to be serious enough as it is not debilitating and does not "hinder me from daily activities" to quote the doctor. No, it doesn't, because I refuse to be driven by this constant pain that makes me want to just drop to the floor and sob uncontrollably. I will not let it have that much hold over me, so I guess it is not serious enough for them to deal with. I am sick of that load of bullshit. No, this is not a normal thing. I should not have to go through my day to day life with any combination of ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers and toes hurting.

I have the option to go back on medication that barely dampens the pain, but why bother? I want it resolved so that it doesn't continue on for another 10 years. I think that if I can't get anywhere with my current health system over the next few months, I am going to start seeking outside help and looking into more holistic possibilities. I am curious as to whether or not acupuncture will alleviate any of it.

*Sigh* I am just so frustrated.....

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