Monday, November 2, 2009

Take another look at me now

Today.... super uneventful. My throat hurt all day due to smoke from burning leaves yesterday. An otherwise uneventful end to a pretty fantastic weekend. Work seemed to drag due to scratchy throat that was not the least bit aided by tortilla chips, DRY eyes! (that not even the super fantastic eye drops could fix. thankfully I've been wearing my glasses for the past few days) and a headache that still has not quite gone away. In spite of it all I have managed to be surprisingly productive this evening and have not even killed the cat! And to top it off, I feel bad for hurting a friend. I hope to have it all sorted out tomorrow, but it's been eating me up all day!

And now I will leave you with some pictures, and in the words of Biffy, feel renewed and know you have a clean slate everyday!!!!

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