1. My mommy because she really, really rocks. No, I'm serious... she does!
2. My dad, because while he may tell the corniest jokes, I love him to death
3. Scott, for so many, many, many reasons that I won't even list here
4. Bug and Mags, because they crack me up and I love them, too to death
5. Smitten Kitchen because she makes me drool over her pictures and be willing to try things I normally wouldn't
6. Miss Zoot absolutely cracks me up and I love all pics she posts
7. Starbucks no-water-chai and Rockstar Juiced because it's amazing how wide-eyed they can make me at 5am
8. My job, which I so thoroughly enjoy and am thankful for
9. A space that I can finally spread out all the projects that I am working on and go to town on them whenever I feel like it without worrying about being in someones way
10. and finally, the fact that I have reached a point where I realize that things happen for a reason and while it may not always be the outcome we expect, shit happens and we have to learn from it and move on and while we cannot change the past, we must learn from it and (occasionally) take responsibility for our actions ;)
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