Monday, January 5, 2009

Be like the squirrel, girl- be like the squirrel.

Ok, today was a not-quite-as-early-as-usual day, but my mom picked me up so it's still pretty damn early. However since I didn't have to go to the bus stop, I had mom run to the gas station so I could get a Rockstar. They were all out of the Rockstar Juiced that I like, and I contemplated getting a different (New!) flavor, but instead went with monster as I haven't had one since approximately August/September of 2006. (Long story there...)

My morning has been going fantastic so far with getting more done on my uber-spreadsheet. Miss Bee and I are babbling away (and not crying... I swear we aren't!) Over the weekend I have come to the realization that I generally get depressed for the two weeks between Christmas and my b-day. Only this year, that combined with my lack of restful sleep has made Allison the uber-bitch! However now I am back to being my normal chipper bitch!

Also, I got to check the crash cart... Now that I can finally figure out how to make it run the diagnostic test instead of happenstance hitting the buttons in the right order, I am a happy girl!

Also, I have a super-awesome calendar that is perfect for my inner slacker!

As for today's 15 things..... (I missed the past two days... see- I need the slacker calendar!)
1. Micron 01 pens..... they rock
2. Rockstar Juiced in the orange can because it doesn't taste so much like an energy drink
3. hugs when you really need them, even if you don't know that you do!
4. Miss Bee for always listening to me bitch, because we also laugh all day long. A girl couldn't ask for a better work-wife!
5. My adult sippy-cups, because having one on my desk makes me drink LOTS of water
6. those random phone calls because someone knows you need to talk
7. the red light on my work phone alerting me to voicemail that is still semi-easy to avoid making eye contact with
8. my iPod, because I honestly am driven by music. It can change my mood completely. (Mr. Incredible already knows to play SOAD when I'm grouchy or out of it! :) )
9. my inspiration book, now that it is more organized and it just cheers me up and gives me ideas.
10. a very fix-it friendly boyfriend that just put a new fuse in a cool new lamp for the living room
11. asiago bagels because they can cheer me up just like music can
12. my glasses, because sometimes contacts just hurt!
13. having all my annual doctor's appointments in January, so there are very few left after that :)
14. capri tights (suddenly I find them very fun!)
15. artichokes, because after reading this, I really want to make it!

And starting tomorrow, I swear I will get better about trying to do daily posts!

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