Monday, December 8, 2008

Open up your loving arms, watch out here I come.

If I am reading my signs correctly (and since they're my signs, I will say of course I am!) it is shaping up to be a very fun holiay season. On facebook, one of those oh-so-useless-yet-fun-apps, Mr. Gettel has sent me a Red-Headed Slut. Perhaps he remembers the three-pitchers-of-red-headed-sluts night (And I highly doubt he would remember much of that night... that third pitcher was straight jager!) or else just has a good memory in general! Either way I was ecstatic.

Yesterday I also stumbled across a list we made at my last birthday party. We find that we come up with very witty things to say whilst inebriated (or on the way there) yet never remember them the next day, so we decided to make a list. What follows are the highlights:

Unknown (yet believed to be Gimpy or Mr. Gettel): "I hate woot"

Mr. Gettel: "I know worthless, I'm fucking UAW"
Unknown: "You're fucking the UAW?"
Mr. Gettel: "No, I might as well be, they're fucking me"

Unknown 1: "They're non-toxic"
Unknown 2: "Oh shit!"
~I believe this was in reference to the infamous hello kitty tattoos

Unknown (Mr. Gettel or Ja... and said to the other one: "Did you just give me the shocker?"

Ison: "You look like a stoner"
Lis: "You look like a redneck"
Gimpy: "No, you look like a wrestler"
~Regarding Mr. Gettel's driver's license picture

I think Kel, and I'm not sure what it was that was made, but: "This isn't the one with the sleeping pill in it, is it?"

And finally, in summation of that fun evening, M@ said it best with "It's only gay if you like it"

And this, people, is why I cannot wait until next month!

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