Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You're breaking my heart; You're shaking my confidence daily

Each day feels complete if, by the time I am ready to calm down and relax for the evening, I have loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. Last night sadly was not one of those nights. I totally spaced that Gimpy was stopping by to pick up some of his birthday cake from over the weekend. He called me to ask how much longer til I got home and I felt horrible telling him that I was still sitting at my desk. I hauled ass to get home and we divvied up the cake that I would love to take credit for. (Sadly I only baked it... Mr. Incredible made the cream cheese frosting that MADE the cake) We each ate a piece and he headed out to grab his not-so-little-anymore munchkin. I ate some leftover pasta and read for a few minutes. Then Paternal Parental Unit stopped by for a few minutes on his way home from work and we entertained Bug by teasing him with all his Precious (any stuffed animal he deems as his). After dad left I read for a few minutes and sacked out on the couch. I woke up in time to grab a quick shower and pick up Mr. Incredible from class. We played a hand of cards and I sacked out, at least in my comfy bed this time!
Essentially, I got NOTHING done last night. I know I needed it because I felt like shit by the time I went to bed, but I still hate days like that. At least Monday night I made up for it by pairing up outfits for work for like a week and a half. I would like to say that this means I don't always wear the same thing day after day after day, but as I am sitting here in my favorite black shirt and black cords, I might be a wee bit misleading. I also altered two pairs of pants before running out of my favorite thread. I still have one more pair of jeans to work on though. And that kitchen was damn spotless(!!) by the time I went to bed.
Yes, it really does only extend to the kitchen as the rest of the apartment is still relatively spotless with the exception of that one damn clothes basket in the bedroom. I seem to just keep moving it from one spot on the floor to another (it all needs to go in the linen closet, which I find quite boring to tackle) so I will grab towels from it as I need to, and add folded, clean ones as they appear, yet I can't seem to do anything about it.
Now I really want to go home and clean. Maybe there really is something wrong with me....

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