Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.....

Since I have yet to write out my Christmas/Birthday wish list for a few people, I figured that I would do it here and now since I am (blissfully!) taking a break from cleaning. It has finally suck in that I have a lot to clean and family Christmas is SUNDAY! What was I thinking procrastinating thus far!?!

But without further ado, I want:
1. Rob Zombie's Halloween! (My number one want)
2. Brothers & Sisters Season One
3. Paperback Undead and Un- book 4-6 (Unreturnable, Unappreciated, Uneasy)
4. anything by Frank O'Hara or any Beat poets
5. Interesting notebooks
6. Micron .001 Black pens
7. bags! I will never have enough (Must preferably be min. 9x12- any/all varieties welcome)
8. Nintendo DS Lite (Since I have not yet gotten around to buying one.... maybe that will be my present to myself)
9. A new copy of To Kill a Mockingbird (mine is falling apart)
10. lots of sleep and a fun birthday party!

I think that pretty much sums it up, but I also willingly accept new book and music recommendations. I am interested in lots of new things, so the type/genre doesn't matter much!

OK, I am going to go to bed. To hell with the cleaning!


Anonymous said...

For a stinkin hippie, you certainly want a whole lot of stuff!


Anonymous said...

How about a baby? Pregger tilt. *hahahahaha*