Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm looking 'round for something else to throw

Well I have survived taco night and all that it entailed. I am not sure if this is a good thing or bad, but we had a lot of fun. While my cold unfortunately decided to rear it's ugly head again towards the end of last week, I didn't let that deter me. I spent two days cleaning while feeling like total crap, but figured that if I ignored it, I'd be fine! That theory kind of worked.

Wouldn't you know it that when I have my whole day planned out of cleaning, cooking, and finally showering, everyone has to start showing up early. It's enough to drive a person mad. I asked people to start showing up between 5-6 and we had people show up at like 2! I finally managed to hop in the shower at 4:55 and after that I said to hell with it, what's done is done!

In retrospect, it is not a good idea to start drinking as soon as guests start showing up when you don't feel good and have barely eaten anything that day. We had a blast despite such minor calamities as the handle on the screen door falling off and semi-overcooked refreid beans. Aside from the minor things, it was a very fun night. (Until the end, but we won't really talk about that part as all that were there definitely heard enough that they won't feel left out!)

I just want to say thank you to all of you who came and those there were not able to but were there in spirit only; those that brought housewarming gifts (y'all are so sweet); those that I coerced into doing shots; those that coerced me into doing shots; those that took pictures so that we will have documentation of some of the stupid things we did (Johnny, did you really do a shot of James' hot sauce?); those that let me sit on their laps; those that helped out with food; and finally, those that made sure my hair was out of my face and kept handling me Listerine while I was visiting the dunny.

Thanks to you all! I had a blast and we will definitely need to do it again soon! My only request is that next time someone stops me after 2 pitchers and you all know what I mean. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, Johnny really did do the hot sauce shot. It was pretty funny. It's a good thing we got pictures of it.