Monday, September 17, 2007

I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear

It has been a very eye-opening few days. Not that I set out looking for enlightment of any kind, but it was a nice surprise. I can't really say that this is all that light-hearted of a blog, but there's a lot of stuff going on lately.

We finaly got around to watching "The Queen" last night. For some reason I have really wanted to see it ever since it came out. It is also one of those movies that lived up to my expectations, which I love as it so rarely happens. It's about Queen Elizabeth and how she handled things during the week oh Princess Diana's death. For some reason it was also an eye-opening movie as it really made me sit there and think about what these people go through to be foloowed by cameras everywhere and to not even be able to walk around your house and feel alone because there is always people there. Basically, they have no privacy as there is always someone around that is into their business. And I though small towns were bad for that.

Also, as the calendar seems to loom over me this week, I am not looking forward to Wednesday. I know that I will have a hard time at work, but at least I bear the knowledge that it won't be as hard of a day for me as it will be for others. It will be the one year mark of the day that I received the hardest phone call that I have ever had in my entire life thus far. Even looking back now, it still doesn't quite seem real and it's been almost a whole year. It will be a year ago Wednesday that I received a phone call asking me to come to the ER and be with my best friend because his wife had committed suicide. It's a topic that is still hard to deal with for so many of us. I know that he is moving on at a fairly good rate, but I still ask everyone's prayers for Rob on Wednesday as it is going to be a lot harder on him than I think he realizes. So many things have changed- both for the better and the worse, but they are getting more back on track. It is a topic that can still bring me to tears, which really says a lot for those of you that know me well enough to know that I would rather eat onions that ever have to cry, yet I just can't help it. And even though I will not go into it, there are some good things that came out of this whole ordeal, which I am so greatful as I honestly cannot say how things would have turned out had I not been brought to my senses on a few things.

On another depressing note, my mom went up on Thursday and brought my grandparents down last Thursday so that they could fly down to Florida and spend some time with my cousin Dena and her husband Angel. It's such a touchy subject lately. I've had a hard time going up there lately as my grandpa hasn't been the same man that I grew up with. I realize that this is hard on him, but when mom stopped by with Grimsby and Grandpa last week, it was the second time in as many months that I don't think he knew who I was. At least I will always have the memories of all the great times I have had with him... and just the things that I will always remember- like standing between he and Grimsby at church on Wednesday nights and listening to him sing- of him giving us that look while he tells us that we better not do something, the look that basically says he'll be more disappointed if we don't do it, but he has to at least verbalize that we aren't supposed to be doing it- of him egging me on to turn off Grandma's water while she was watering her plants everynight. Just all the little things.... I know that those days are gone, but he is still my Grandpa and that part will never change! :)

So while this seems to be a really depressing week, things could be worse.... I could be followed by paparazzi and have them ultimately cause my death!

On to the lighter side of things, the past few work days have been rather odd. My area opened in February and in May or June or so, they hung these huge, gaudy framed prints on the wall. On every available inch of wall space. They are quite overwhelming. Although half of them have now been taken down as we had a mishap on Friday of one falling off the wall and hitting a patients husband. All in all, this thing probably weighed about 50-60 pounds. Thankfully it didn't break ON him- it hit him and then fell to the ground and shattered. However I don't think that it was handled well, but at least he was a nice man so we can only hope he doesn't sue.

And then this morning my workday started off pretty much the way I expect my week will go. I walk into my little room/office/space and find that my nice chair with wheels and armrests as well as comfy material has been replaced with a hard, waiting room chair that when I sit in it, I am just about eye-level with my keyboard. So after about an hour I finally track down my chair to the pharmacist who took it, then expected me to find a replacement for them even though they took mine in the first place. Yep.... I love Mondays!

1 comment:

TMStar said...

You forgot to mention your Doppleganger.