Since I have already done the "25 things" once on Facebook, yet I still keep getting tagged over and over again, I have decided to do my "official" one here. Here goes...
1. I love sleep, yet hate to sleep. I get the most accomplished while the world is dead
2. I want to move, yet am scared to because of the job market
3. Sometimes I get incredibly sick of the fact that I can't sit still and can't work on just one thing at a time and that everything has to be just so due to my "hopefully" mild case of OCD
4. yet I love that I am always in the middle of ten things because it means I can flit back and forth between them
5. I absolutely love to bake, yet rarely end up eating it
6. I am surprised by how tiny Sebastian now seems
7. I jump head-first into a lot of things, typically without thinking first (as is evidenced by my choice of roommates (lmao)
8. I hate the fact that I am wide awake every morning at 3:50, yet can't bring myself to get up and work on anything
9. I am teaching myself as I go while making this quilt
10. I am currently in the middle of 7 books. I also hate getting to the end of a book because I get sad that that interlude is over
11. I should look into a white noise machine as I can't stand silence. I get the most accomplished with loud music
12. I would love to be a stay-at home soccer-mom, yet know that I would go crazy
13. I go through a pack of bubble gum a day. I think I need help
14. I limit myself to one pop a day and am proud of myself on days that I don't drink any. I will also never give up my strawberry tea in the mornings
15. I get along with my dad so much better ever since I moved out of the house. Yet after moving out, I can't handle my parents fighting (Didn't phase me for 21 years, yet now it does... go figure)
16. After reading Twilight (don't laugh) I can't hep but imagine being a Cullen... think of all I could get done if I never had to sleep
17. It really bums me out that some of my favorite musicians are dead and that I will never get a chance to hear them perform live
18. I hate seeing movies based on books that I have already read because they NEVER live up to how I imagined it while reading them
19. As much as I try, there are a couple people that I will never be able to forgive
20. I miss both of my grandmothers so much. Unfortunately I have a hard time bringing myself to go up north because I can't stand seeing the state my grandpa is in
21. I hate the fact that I want a drink before seeing my grandfather for the first time, yet have only given in and had one once. That was also the worst time so I am glad I had the drink
22. I like to wear non-matching socks. I think it must be some form of rebellion over having to "dress-up" for work (even though I still live in cords)
23. I love to clean unless I absolutely have to for some reason. I can't focus on anything if I know my house is messy
24. I can't wait to have a yard
25. I am still amazed by how things turn out when you just sit back and let them
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