Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth.

Today is one of those days where all I wanted to is sleep. I took Scott in to work, so he was dropped off at the ass crack of dawn. Work was rather productive. Deb and I both weren't in the mood to be there, but survived. We even got to skip a little to show Claire. A good time was had by all. ;) After work we ran to Meijers so that I could pick up the stuff that I need for what I have to make for Thanksgiving dinner. Thankfully it wasn't as busy as it will be tomorrow. I have already made the spinach dip (and it kicks ass) and will put together the crab dip tomorrow night to be baked on Thursday. I have to get Scott to make the bread that Deb loves and hopefully my brownies that I adore and maybe cheese puffs if I am highly ambitious. I guess we'll find out tomorrow. Otherwise I don't think I have too much left to do other than keep mom sane!

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