Wednesday, November 26, 2008

But all he had come for was having some fun...

Addendum to yesterday's post: I made kick ass french toast for dinner.

Ok, on to today.... I was going to take Scott into work and hit up the coffee shop and read before work, but realized that it was a much more pleasant idea to sleep another 2 hours than to get up and read. And based on how exhausted I am now, I am incredibly glad that I am. This morning at work I stated out very ambitious and did manage to get a lot done, but boy did the afternoon drag. I swear my afternoon alone was 8 hours. After he finally picked me up from work, we had to run back to Plum so that Scott could check his seafood supply. He played around for about half an hour. We then grabbed some wine (that doesn't taste like wine), some pastries, and a few Butterscotch See's Lollypops. I have been beyond hooked ever since Liz and 10th grade... *sigh* Then we drove down Main Street as they have lit the lights in the trees, thus signifying my first sign of the winter season. The only thing greater is Main Street after first (real) snowfall. As we passed Vault of Midnight, I realized that we needed to stop as I (desperately?) needed Batman Cacophony. What can I say... I am beyond hooked on KS. Otherwise it has been a rather uneventful evening as I have managed to clean about half the kitchen and that would be about it. I did manage to get the bread and crackers ready for the dips tomorrow and I have about half the stuff I need for tomorrow in a bag. Now I just need a hell of a lot of sleep, a nice hot shower, and some jeans! (4 days straight of sleeping in and wearing jeans! I love holiday weeks!)

To make this weekend even better, Scott has Friday off so we will have the first time in about 2 months where we have the same day off. Saturday we are going to look at a possible apartment for next year, and I am quite anxious to see it. Damn I'm exhausted.

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