Monday, March 30, 2009

You can get it if you really want....

Ok, I'm back!!!

I have been in absentia far too long, but am now returning to a more set babbling pattern. Due to iffy computer moods and busy-ness at work I know that I have been very lax in posting. That is no longer the case! Due to my recent present to Scott and myself (matching laptops!) I am now back to bore you three with my ramblings.

I have now successfully installed iTunes and am sitting on my ass playing with Bug and watching a movie. Mr. Incredible is working late and it's quite odd to have the evening to myself.

My weekend was rather jam-packed what with baking 13 dozen (or thereabout) cookies and brownies as well as icing all of Scott's cupcakes for Marleen's surprise retirement party for her husband. I then helped her out during by keeping all the food plentiful and keeping all the dishes clean. It was a blast.

I then came home to find that Bug had decided to take it upon himself to eat all the tinfoil that was in the garbage can. He has since been puking up tinfoil..... Hurray! The latest bout was at 4:00 this morning. Poor baby, and poor MI for actually getting up to take care of him.

I think I will attempt to partake in NaBloPoMo for April. In order to not wear myself out with posting now, I will go perhaps cut some fabric for my in-progress quilt! Or finish a drawing. Or finish sewing my skirt. I'll figure out the specifics as I come to them!

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