Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm more than a handful you'll see....

In the mood to do a survey/quiz thingy so I decided to post it here..... you lucky, lucky readers you... all two of you!

1. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
Black shoes (that are killing my poor toe), bronze cords, favorite yellow tee, and bright orange sweatshirt

2. What is your current problem
my potentially-broken pinkie toe

3. What makes you most happy?
lots of things.... easier to ask what makes me sad!

4. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Purple Rain

5. Do you like MTV?
Can't really say... Haven't really watched it since that 24 hr. block of time freshman year


Chapter 1:

1. Nickname(s):
Tilt, Tipsy, Al, Ison, Attention Whore, Punkin

2.Eye color?
I say hazel, but mom says brown

3. hair color?
lately I have been very good at keeping it brown... I am slowly nursing it back to health!


Chapter 2: Family

1. Do you live with your parent(s)?

2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
very much so now that I am an adult

3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
They just celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary

I'm a not-so-lonely only


Chapter 3: Favorite

1. Ice Cream:
Chubby Hubby, or peppermint stick (the good one- the pink one with chunks of candy in it)

2. season:
Fall of course

3. book:
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, To Kill a Mockingbird, Candide, or anything by Maya Angelou, David Sedaris, Christopher Moore, Frank O'Hara, the Undead and Un- books

4. Band:
Ill Scarlett, Sublime, Coconut Records, and carrie Underwood (sad, I know) lately

5. food:
Anything Mexican or Italian, pierogies, a good burger, or teriyaki chicken or salmon

6. drink(s) (non-alcoholic)
milk, water, sweet tea, and Sprite

7. drink(s) (alcoholic)
red-headed sluts, lemon drops, and Disaronno

8. past-time:
who knows.... I'm a creature of whimsy

9. pen color:
bright blue unless it's a micron pen, then violet

10. store:
Art Attack, Target, and Barnes and Noble


Chapter 4: Do you...

1.Write on your hand?
well my pen regularly stabs my hands, but I seem to have grown out of writing on my hands.

2. Call people back?
Yep.... may be the next day but I do- but voice mails are useless

3. Believe in love?

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
the middle! you'd be amazed that two people who can sprawl can also both manage to hog the middle of the bed


Chapter 5: Have You...

1. Broken a bone?
yes and possibly have one now but the NP that poked my toe earlier (and that was it) declared it bruised.

2. If... where?
left ring finger knuckle and possibly left pinkie toe

3. Had physical therapy?
yep, for my shoulder/arm

4. Gotten surgery?
only to have my wisdom teeth yanked out

5. Taken painkillers?
lmao... talk about damn near constantly

6. Are you gay?

7. Been stung by a bee?
of course, who hasn't

8. Threw up in a doctors office?
ROFL- try ON the doctor and his nice expensive shoes


Chapter 6: Last...

1. Movie you saw in the movie theaters?
The Dark Knight

2. Person to text you?
Scott, Sara, or Johnny

3. Thing you touched?
aside from he keys, Sebastian's leash

4. Thing you said?
Ok, I'll figure out something to cook for dinner

5. Person you hugged?
Janie... a nurse at work

6. Person to call you?
Scott called me back

7. Last book you read?
Currently reading Candide

8. Time you cleaned your room?
about to do it tonight....

1 comment:

El Hombre Solo said...


I got back from my 2 week trip to Eastern Europe yesterday afternoon. I'm at work right now but can't really do much since we moved to another building while I was away and nothing works on my pc yet.. which is great cause I can answer your questions! lol
I like quizzes!!!

so, here I go...

1. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
My favorite black skaters shoes, loose jeans and a black "Ferrari" t-shirt that I got 3 days ago from the F1 race in Hungary!

2. What is your current problem
I got back to work after 2 weeks of vacation and I have to answer to 356 e-mails... :(

3. What makes you most happy?
these days.. my friends!

4. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Purple Rain

5. Do you like MTV?
I don't have cable TV, so I can't watch MTV


Chapter 1:

1. Nickname(s):
crusader & some other Greek ones that would only sound.. Greek to you! lol

2.Eye color?

3. hair color?


Chapter 2: Family

1. Do you live with your parent(s)?
sort of

2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
very much

3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?

got a younger brother


Chapter 3: Favorite

1. Ice Cream:
any kind of chocolate

2. season:

3. book:
I like reading poetry

4. Band:
Guns n' Roses

5. food:

6. drink(s) (non-alcoholic)
Greek frappe coffee

7. drink(s) (alcoholic)
Captain Morgan (black)

8. past-time:
can't really say.. so many good times I can think of right now

9. pen color:
vivid black

10. store:
any sportswear store will do the job!


Chapter 4: Do you...

1.Write on your hand?

2. Call people back?

3. Believe in love?
I most definitely do!

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
yes and it depends on the season (don't laugh, there's a perfectly logical explanation about this, but that's a long story)


Chapter 5: Have You...

1. Broken a bone?
no, maybe a toe but I'm not sure it was broken or cracked

2. If... where?

3. Had physical therapy?
yep, for my knee (soccer injury)

4. Gotten surgery?

5. Taken painkillers?
very rarely

6. Are you gay?
hell no!

7. Been stung by a bee?
of course

8. Threw up in a doctors office?


Chapter 6: Last...

1. Movie you saw in the movie theaters?
Iron Man

2. Person to text you?
my friend Leuteris

3. Thing you touched?
the cigarette I rolled

4. Thing you said?
Ok, I'll see you tonight

5. Person you hugged?

6. Person to call you?
my friend Petros

7. Last book you read?
Budapest city guide (does that count?)

8. Time you cleaned your room?
about to do it tonight....