Monday, November 24, 2008

Let me stand next to your fire!

Let me just state for the record that I rock! If today is any indication, this is going to be a good week work-wise. I have managed to get through 4 days worth of schedules (which is rare since using the new system) as well as getting all my referrals into the system (normally a scrambling-at-the-last-minute end-of-the-day kinda thing) as well as having my scheduling grid changed to aptly reflect our practitioners scheules AND have moved all upcoming appts to actual providers. I know this doesn't sound like much, but today has been super-fucking-productive! Now I get to spend my afternoon working on various projects that need attention as well as doing Wednesday and Friday's referrals because I have a ton to do for Monday and I have a feeling that Wednesday will be crazy. Holiday weeks are never normal.... *sigh*

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