I am still very excited that Mt. Gettel has agreed to join for my birthday festivities. It isn't the same without him so I have been quite happy ever since talking to him last night (even if he doesn't answer his phone while I walk the behemoth.)
Today I slept in and it felt SOOOO good. I ended up having a lot of interesting dreams over the course of the morning, since I was awakened on several occasions for several reasons. Needless to say that the dog didn't like it and was quite confused by the fact that I wasn't up by my normal weekend time of 8:30. (This is how I realized I am officially an adult because I can't sleep in late on the weekends anymore. It's quite sad.)
I procrastinated my ass off this morning, but did get to have a nice long talk with S. which was great! I have missed talking to him, but didn't realize how much until today!
After Scott got home we decided to head to the Asian market that we have been meaning to check out for a while. We now wonder why we didn't start shopping there much sooner. I think I will take my dad there and let him pick out some stuff for his birthday next month.
More family drama carried itself over from last night and ended p being slightly resolved which I learned while my parents were at their favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch. Due to this and going to the store, I was craving Chinese food. Finally after 6 months or so, I gorged (ok... not quite gorged, per se) myself on Chinese food. Hip Hip Hurray for Szechuan veggies! Should have picked up some dumplings at the store though.... they were yummy!
All in all it has been a semi-unproductive day, but I have managed to start on a collage and wash two loads of clothes as well as cleaning the bathroom and the office so that I wasn't distracted by it and could work. My collage becons me now though, so maybe it will be a productive night!
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