Saturday, November 29, 2008

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose

It has been a jam-packed whirlwind few days. On Thanksgiving, I headed down towards my parents as we were having dinner with about half of my mom's side of the family. We had SOOOOO much food! Somehow over the course of the afternoon 98% of it managed to get eaten. We worked on pajamas and various other projects. My mom also helped me with some technical difficulties that my machine was having. I got home not feeling all that chipper and we scoured the sales ads for yesterday and plotted out our course. I then crashed only to be up mere hours later. We were up and ready and at our first store yesterday morning at 4:30 am.... We hit up 5 stores and made it home just after 9. We were contemplating passing out when my mom called and asked if we wanted to go to Grayling with my mom to take back my grandparents. At first we hmm'd and haw'd before deciding to head north. We also decided on heading up to Mackinac as Scott has not been there before. As we neared Grayling, it started to snow. I was in heaven as we still have NO snow downstate.

This was just north of Grayling, yet still south of the bridge.

The wonderful white stuff was quite fun to play with, yet the waterfront was FRIGID! While in Mackinac, I was wearing the grape, hat, scarf, mittens, and the hood and I was a living, breathing icicle!

And the weirdest part for me was walking on the beach with snow on it. Craziness!

Then today Scott had to work for four hours then I met my mom at JoAnn's so I could get more needles for my machine. We went for lunch at Red Robin. Picked up dog food and some shampoo and towels specifically for Sebastian. After that we were supposed to go look at an apartment. We ran home to feed Bug and happened to check our emails whereupon we found out that they had to reschedule. They didn't call us but emailed us yesterday and we only found out about it half an hour before we were supposed to meet them. I am not sure how I feel about that...

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